DevOps Training & Consulting

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Professional DevOps Training Courses

Unlock the full potential of your team with our comprehensive range of cutting-edge DevOps courses. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your journey in the world of DevOps, our courses have got you covered. From mastering Kubernetes and Docker to harnessing the power of Ansible and beyond, our expert-led training will equip you with the knowledge and skills to streamline your software development and operations processes. Embrace automation, scalability, and agility as you delve into the latest industry best practices and gain hands-on experience through practical exercises. Join us on this transformative learning journey and elevate your team's productivity and efficiency to new heights. Embrace the DevOps revolution and stay ahead in today's fast-paced tech landscape. Enroll now and empower your team to drive innovation and excellence across your organization.

Open Technology: DevOps Tools Engineer

LPI's DevOps Tools Engineer certification teaches one the principles of DevOps engieering with continous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines using a suit of the most popular open source DevOps tools. Learn about DevOps and get to know the most popular DevOps tools in the DevOps toolkit.

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Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine Training

Getting started with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a short course aimed at candidates who need to get a handle on the basic concept of containers and Kubernetes and understand how GKE can be leveraged to achieve a micoservice architecture.

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Architecting with Google Cloud Platform: Design & Process Training

The Google Cloud Platform Design & Process course provides you with the skills and knowledge to build secure, scalable, solutions that leverage the services available on GCP with an automated DevOps approach.

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Docker Training Course

Our Docker training course covers everything you needd to know about containers and dockers. From Dockerfile to docker-compose and Docker swarm for application resilence and elastic computing.  Become a Docker and container master.

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Certified Kubernetes Application Developer

The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certification proves that the holder has the expertise to build and deploy robust, cloud native, micro-service applications that leverage Kubernetes for scalability and reliability.

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Certified Kubernetes Administrator

The Certified Kubernetes Administrator course from The Linux Foundation ensures you have the skills to configure and maintain a Kubernetes clusters and the expertise to deploy and monitor applications on Kubernestes.

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DevOps Leader Training - DevOps Institute

Our DevOps Institute DevOps Foundation Training course is ideal for those organisations looking to adopt a DevOps approach to IT. The course provides attendees with an understanding of the concepts and workings of DevOps and prepares one to write the DevOps Institute's certification exam.

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DevOps Foundations Training - DevOps Institute

Our DevOps Institute DevOps Foundation Training course is ideal for those organisations looking to adopt a DevOps approach to IT. The course provides attendees with an understanding of the concepts and workings of DevOps and prepares one to write the DevOps Institute's certification exam.

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Site Reliability Engineer Foundation Training - DevOps Institute

Our Site Reliability Engineer Foundation training course equips students with the knowledge to adopt a SRE approach in their organisations and pass the DevOps Institutes certification exam. Get trained. Get certified.

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Contact Us

Please contact us for any queries via phone or our contact form. We will be happy to answer your questions.

3 Appian Place,373 Kent Ave
2194 South Africa
Tel: +2711-781 8014 (Johannesburg)
  +2721-020-0111 (Cape Town)

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